Mental Health Career advice under Uncertainties
[Climate change] a risk diffused by trade
[SDGs] Goals 7 to 12 contributed by
[SDGs] Goals 1 to 6 contributed by
[SDGs] Why we don't present examples of the 17 goals and 169 targets
[Climate Change] Business opportunities in 2050
[Vision] Is it OK to just try without thinking about whether you can or can't do it?
[Bali life] Learning from Burning Man on weirdness & dangers of turning a community into a business
[Energy] You can't do comparative research with a wish list
[OKR] A CEO's job is to look after the garden of open and autonomy culture
[Be] Online meeting fatigue and countermeasures
[SDGs] How can we respond to the 17th partnership?
[vision] Why we are "Giftmakers" and call as "Think-Do-Be tank"
[Climate Change] The agenda for this November's climate change conference -- COP26
The relationship between technology and social control in the Corona pandemic
[Climate Change] How do we get to virtually zero emissions by 2050?
[climate change] The first thing you need to know about adaptation!
 [OKR] Minutes and daily plans are meaningful even if no one reads them -- one-person brainstorming
[OKR] Why "No hiding and no hesitation!!!" is needed
[Blockchain] Smart contract in developing countries and Indonesia's potential