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Working in Bulk: The Backlash of Procrastination

Hello and happy Wednesday All! Amanda here from! I hope you have great half of the week because mine have been a roller coaster so far @_@

We've all procrastinated before, even if we choose not to admit. It could even happen without us realizing, as we keep ourselves busy scrolling through our phones or doing other things that are not the main priority. Usually this ends up with regrets that are quite short-term as we end up in the same position again. Obviously telling ourselves "don't procrastinate" won't cut it, but I think I found my own technique.

As I'm involved with most admin and accounting works, I do get busy with paperwork and some tedious tasks. Often times, I wait til the end of the month before I reconcile payments and it works because it is scheduled that way. But other times, when I combine different ad hoc tasks – thinking that I can finish a big bulk of them – I usually just get drained at the end or make mistake could have been a big impact. One of the most recent case really hit me. I used to think I was a night owl, who are more focused at night because that just how I used to study and operate in college. I brought this habit to my work schedule, where I put all the tasks, that requires me to think critically and drafting new ideas, to be put in the evening. Every single time I do this, I hate my past self because I know it is bad for my health. So I know working in bulk is not a good strategy because I become less thorough. I should do things step-by-step during the day where I can communicate with my coworkers. Or maybe dedicate the half-day of the Friday to do it so I will be more satisfied for the weekend.

In short, I learned that procrastinating is not the problem to my dissatisfaction and overwork. Instead, the root cause is my inefficient strategy considering I have many other things on my plate. I think once I employ this strategy with sticky notes all over my screen and reminders or set-schedules, I should have a balanced workload (hopefully). Time management is truly a skill.

So what is your method of dealing with a lot of workload? Do you think procrastination is your problem? Let me know in the comments!

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