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Reflection of 2020 - The significance of a teamwork!


Hello, this is Cynthia from Research Team.

Everyone must agree that this year is one of the most challenging human history times in many aspects, no exception with us at As our CEO told in his several blogs that many some of our projects burst due to the pandemic, we walked through this year on a wobbly basis. One thing that I admit to feeling grateful for is that we still have good teamwork! Let me tell you the reason why!

Since May, we have been trying to apply an evaluation system for our company to identify the gap; we, as the members of could improve. The evaluation system is based on 7 virtues: responsibility, achievement, style, clarity, variation, buddy, and contribution. From the figure below, you can see that all members perceive seven virtues are essential for them to contribute. You can tell that the members are highly motivated fellows, open-minded, and responsible. Believe me, this pattern is quite consistent for the last seven months. 😊

Perhaps some of you are curious what it is like to work at, how we could handle a fast-pacing dynamic. Here are some reflection keywords from the gift makers about working at

You can see that is a place for you to get experience, work, and learn. Most gift makers are satisfied to work at for one of the reasons is is filled with ‘good people’ that form good teamwork and eager to achieve our long-term vision “to be the gift maker to the earth”. The keywords of “partners”, “people”, “team”, “teams” are often mentioned when the members are asked whether they are satisfied contributing at and the society, and most of them mentioned a good supporting system is a reason. In general, the gift makers often share, check, and support one and another. Here are some quotations from some members who are satisfied and do enjoy working at

Thanks to the value of transparency and a system that upholds the importance of feedback, these allow each gift maker could interact and support one and another. By saying gift maker, it does not only apply for current gift makers, but also former gift maker or alumni that paved the way for current members. FYI, we are planning to provide a space/group so that alumni could contribute even after moving on with their path. So, our grows. Please wait for it 😊

Looking back, despite some project tanks exploded, this year we could not only survive, we actually could mark some achievements! For example, we could still send our portable biogas even during the pandemic to Flores Island, we could organise a workshop and online events in Africa, Indonesia, and Japan; we also organised OnlineACT involving Japanese students to look for solutions to raise awareness about waste management in Bali; we still conducted climate field school with BMKG, we successfully collected ~¥721,000 (~USD 6,900) and we are almost at the finish line of publishing some publications, and many more! 😊

Steve Jobs once said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people.” I believe the achievements we did in 2020 because we still have good teamwork and hopefully, we could work harmoniously towards our long-term goals.

Are you confident to contribute at ? Check our vacancy and internship program here.

Lastly, this will be my last blog in 2020, and please look forward to more blogs next year! Take care and Happy Holidays! 😊

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