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Bioenergy on national target, risk-opportunity analysis and the feedstocks

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

1st day of International workshop on sustainability and resilience of bioenergy for climate change: scoping and envisioning

Indonesia has capability and potential to contribute to climate change through the bioenergy, locally, nationally and international. The workshop aims to disseminate its capability and potential.

In science community, most agree that climate change action is needed. One of the actions is through bioenergy. There is supply and demand in bioenergy, also in Indonesia. These are ethanol and biogas. This issue is also involved in SDG, which is climate change, energy and poverty alleviation. The EU contributes in this issue through transrisks and greenwin projects. Transrisk focuses on policy/decision and greenwin more in bioenergy business development.

In Indonesia, the projects focus on east Java and Bali as case studies. It will be related with national/regional climate policy.

The workshop will find;

Session 1, how case studies can contribute to sustainable bioenergy

Session 2, value chain mapping

Session 3, transition pathways to achieve vision, analysing value chain

In Bali, the project is good opportunity for udayana university to contribute, and also for bali which was selected as center of excellence (CoE) pilot in Indonesia. Regarding the CoE, the udayana expects its laboratory can be built in udayana campus. The govt still chooses between bulding it in Udayana or in Jembrana.

There are several objectives of the workshop, which are engaging with bioenergy stakeholders and build climate change mitigation and adaptation pathways. It has been started it since field trip session. The field trip is expected bring more motivation to contribute in the workshop. It is expected to bring stakeholders awareness which is the important thing to keep their commitment toward the climate action. The current govt is commited to continue previous govt target. It is mentioned in detail plan on Indonesia climate change.

For energy contribution in climate change emission reduction, Indonesia needs technology transfer. Indonesia try to focusing the subsidy into productive programmes in energy, but still also has to work in education etc. Target related to energy has five points, the 3rd is waste to energy. To achieve the Indonesian energy policy, it has to build several power plants from RE in Indonesia.

In bioenergy, there is biofuel, biomass, biogas and CBM target (25 MTOE for all from 405 MTOE), especially comes from palm oil. Bioenergy accounts 13% of RE Indonesian target. Bioenergy has 34 GW potential, but sill 1.74 GW (5.1% from target) Indonesia has currently. Indonesia keeps improving the policy implementation in RE and energy conservation. One of the approaches is by ICCTF projects, including changing people mindset about waste and its impact.

In Barcelona, the university building applies the sustainability principle through using efficient energy (no AC etc), it shows that the principle is universal. The spain culture engages the university with the community, the greenwin concept is suitable for the university contribution. The use of several approaches is good for the community and also the project.

In WP (Work Package) 7 greenwin, the project works on energy poverty alleviation and resilient livelihoods in India, Indonesia and South Africa, others Mexico and Brazil. Two-thirds of the Indian population relies on traditional biomass on cooking. It needs to be helped by identifying; Win-win strategies, Green business models, and Enabling environments

The bioenergy workshop try to achieve expectation and contribution from the participants as follows;

Having partnership among stakeholders, Connect climate mitigation and adaptation actions, Learn and share ideas about climate change and bioenergy from Indonesia (WWF, Hivos, YRE, Pertamina, ICCTF, CoE, SEI Nairobi) and Europe, Understand utilization of agriculture waste, Knowing the project design especially on relationship with the community and knowledge transfer, Developing bioenergy for multiple benefits for peopleSaving people from GHG emission, Using farmers feedstock from the agriculture for bioenergy, Improving bank policy in financing bioenergy projects, Looking for involving in any scale of bioenergy projects, Hope for more discussion in bioenergy development, Share the biogas experiences all over Indonesia, Looking for future partnership opportunity with govt project and other projects, Enriching knowledge about best practices in bioenergy, Share about RE experience from univ projects, SMI and others, Understand about the economics of bioenergyLooking for possible solution to implement bioenergy in an island development, Looking for knowledge about energy to be applied in ASEAN country, Accounting GHG emission reduction from local govt bioenergy programmes, Knowing how layer can help the bioenergy development programmes.

Those expectations have to meet with general challenges that economic growth in Indonesia causes the rising emission, 6th largest emitter world wide. It is related with fossil fuels which are still important, then the state plays a big role to adjust to be green economic with RE like bioenergy. It will be done through climate action follows the govt target in energy and climate change. However there are challenges on it affected by few factors such as finance, policy etc.

The challenges exist all over the world like in Germany and Netherlands. The first session of the workshop is asking the feasibility score of Indonesian bioenergy and GHG emission reduction target and opportunity and risk in Bionergy in Bali and East Java, using H-form. We found that average score is about 4-5 from 10. Many stakeholders have to involved, not only top down approach by the govt. However govt has to join with many sectors/agencies/ministries to apply the programmes, it is difficult but tht govt keep support the programmes. Here are the rough summary from the first session;

In the second session, it talks about the bioenergy feedstocks, project example and the priority within. Here is the result;

From the risk and opportunity, we should connect in more real when talking about the feedstocks. Afterwards, we look for the solution from those findings. There is local case in Bali, which doesn’t have access to electricity, it needs to take into account by the govt. There is stakeholder wants to work on it, but lack of support from the govt/funding. Finally, to keep solve those challenges, the project welcomes the intent to fellowship in the bioenergy project. The fellowshop will connect experts and stakeholders in bioenergy development programmes.

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