Dr Takeshi Takama (CEO)Jul 15, 20212 min[Climate Change] Fit-For-Purpose modelling to be useful!https://www.su-re.co/post/climate-change-the-problem-with-plans-to-limit-warming-to-1-5-c This blog is a continuation of yesterday's...
auliamadhilaJul 22, 20203 minTIPPING+ kicks-off! A new EU-funded project on enabling positive tipping points towards clean-energy transition in coal and carbon intensive regions Bali,...
auliamadhilaJul 17, 20202 minLANDMARC kicks-off! A new EU-funded project on land-based climate change mitigationBlog Post Delft, The Netherlands, 17 July 2020 What is the realistic potential for agriculture, forestry, and other land-use sectors to enhance the...