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Delivering Gift to Farmers of East Nusa Tenggara through Climate Field School and Biogas Digester

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

One by one, our dream to make farmers getting better access to clean energy for farmers come true. In the last few months, we were busy installing biogas in several places. For farmers until the private sector.

Building Capacity of Farmers to Adapt to Climate Change

We have expanded our climate field school for coffee and cacao farmers to East Nusa Tenggara. In June  2019 in collaboration with Meteorology and Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) conducted the first Climate Field School in East Nusa Tenggara as before it only conducted in Bali in 2018. Mayun Bary of was there to facilitate and explain to farmers about climate information. 

We keep working hard to build the capacity of farmers so they can also increase the productivity of their farm. In September 2019, Mayun Bary of flew to East Nusa Tenggara again to facilitate the Climate Field School as well as installing biogas digester there. 

Eco-Friendly Source of Energy for Farmers

One of the touching heart stories come from a biogas installation in East Nusa Tenggara. After conducting the second Climate Field School to build the capacity of farmers to adapt to climate change, Mayun of worked together to install a biogas digester in there. This is one of the benefits of the design of our biogas. It is easy to move from and can be carried everywhere so everybody from around the world can enjoy using biogas for their daily and create a better climate for all of us!

This biogas is a gift from Montessori School Bali’s principal-Jan Gaffney who donated to biogas digester during our crowdfunding and it is also supported by the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Rotary Club Canggu, and Lapmas.  We are very proud to create and deliver gifts and support from society to our coffee farmers in Indonesia.

Farmers and Biogas 

Previously, we have installed one biogas digester for a farmer in East Nusa Tenggara. The biogas works well and even today they have been using biogas for cooking. They looked so happy and excited while cooking their food with this eco-friendly source of energy. See how happy there were while cooking using biogas stove in this link

We hope this story can inspire more people to start using biogas for their lives and against climate change together!

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