Today we had a meeting between Indonesia and Japan, and suddenly I had to be an interpreter from Japanese to Indonesian. I usually work as a site supervisor to speak Indonesian, but it was still very tiring to have meetings in three different languages. Tomorrow morning I have to give a presentation to the Indonesian Meteorological Agency on climate change adaptation measures. I usually do my presentation in English, but tomorrow I will try my best to do it in Indonesian.
I have been working with the Indonesian Meteorological Agency for about 12 years, and the first thing I taught them was how to assess vulnerability to climate change. Vulnerable to climate change is not judged solely by vulnerable to climate-related disasters. For example, if you are looking at how drought makes rice crops vulnerable, then, of course, the external stress of a possible drought is essential, but it is not the only thing that makes them vulnerable. In this case, we need to know the state of the system, that is, the ability of the rice crop and the society in which it is grown to cope with the external stress, which in this case is drought.
Even if there is a very large drought, the rice crop will not be affected if there is no rice production. Also, if the society has a remarkably drought-tolerant variety, it may not be affected by the drought.
So, in determining whether an object is vulnerable or not, a combination of external stresses, the virtue of the affected system and its internal adaptive capacity can be used to determine whether an object is vulnerable or not.
This terminology has changed a bit over the years, but if you understand it in terms of the external and internal aspects of the system, you can understand what I'm talking about because it's mostly just a difference in terminology. I may explain this later.